Prototype of Automatic Watering and Fertilizing System of Harum Manis Mango Buleleng Bali
10/07/2020 Views : 572
Prototype of Automatic Watering and Fertilizing System of
Harum Manis Mango Buleleng Bali
technology is use of technology to help all human work in all fields.
Appropriate technology applied in agriculture is an effort to help farmers
especially in carrying out all agricultural activities, both watering plants or
fertilizing, so that farmers are expected to feel helped by the use of
technology, both in terms of time and energy efficiency.
not all farmers take advantage of technological developments, as does the harum
manis mango farmers of Buleleng Bali. In early 2019, Buleleng farmers of harum
manis mango were able to export2.5-toned mangoes to Russia. This triggered the
Minister of Agriculture, Amran Sulaiman, to target 100 tons to exports of
Bali's harum manis mango in order to be able to meet the Russian market during
2019. Thus, the farmers of harum manis mango Buleleng, Bali were required to be
able to improve and maintain the quality of harum manis mango resulting from.
Picture Harum Manis Mango
methods have been attempted by farmers to be able to maintain the quality and
increase the quantity of sweet fragrant mangoes so that the income and profits
of farmers also increase. One such effort is to minimize operational costs,
including daily laborers' wages, and so on. However, this causes farmers to
work extra. To overcome this, efforts are needed to apply technology in
agriculture specifically for farmers of harum manis mango in Buleleng Bali.
technology offered is to implement an automatic watering and fertilizing system. Farmers no longer need to pay day
laborers to water and fertilize harum manis mango, because all of the work will
be helped by the existence of the tool. In addition, the use of automatic
watering and fertilizing systems can increase the efficiency of farmers'
working time. Costs previously incurred for daily laborers' wages can be
allocated for maintenance of tools that do not cost too much. So that the quality
of harum manis mango plants is maintained and the income of farmers increases.
The prototype of the automatic watering and fertilizing system is designed by using the Arduino Mega 2560 microcontroller as the main control to do the system work automatically. The automatic system implemented in this design is based on 2 main sensors namely the soil humidity sensor and the temperature sensor. Measurement of humidity sensor and temperature sensor will trigger the watering pump based on soil moisture conditions and the temperature of the environment around the plant. Whereas the fertilization process is carried out periodically within a certain period (2 times fertilization in 1 month). All sensor measurement results from this tool will be displayed in a 20x4 LCD display, with a keypad for fertilizer settings that will be done automatically. In addition, the next future, this tool can designed by utilizing renewable energy resources (sun light) as an energy supply reserve to be able to operate.
Picture Blok Diagram of Automatic Watering and Fretilizing System
Before the controller can work,
first determine the parameter values of the soil moisture level and
temperature, so that the controller can work with a maximum later. In determining
parameters of soil moisture level and temperature, a literature study and field
testing are conducted to obtain valid data. Tests were carried out on 3 soil
samples with different conditions namely dry, moist and wet. Tests on dry soil
produce a range of 10% - 18% humidity values measured using a humidity sensor.
Tests on moist soils produce a moisture value range of 20% - 29%. While testing
on wet soils produces humidity values ranging from 30% and above. This
parameter value will be used as a reference microcontroller to turn on the
watering pump automatically. Based on these parameter values, the watering pump
turns on when the soil moisture conditions at value of 10% - 18%.
Whereas the fertilization process is carried out within a certain time frame. In this design, the fertilization process is based on the time and date integrated with RTC (Real Time Clock). Time settings can be done using the keypad that is available on the controller.
Picture Control Panel of Automatic Watering and Fertilizing
With the automatic watering and
fertilizing system, it is expected to be able to provide benefits to farmers,
especially farmers of harum manis mango in order to maintain quality and be
able to increase the quantity of harum manis mango in Buleleng Bali.